Cancellation Policy
We ask that you let us know if you will not be making your appointment - AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE.
I commit to being here, ready and prepared for your appointment. Many times, we are booked several weeks out and have wait lists for appointments. If I do not have sufficient notice of appointment cancellations, I often cannot fill the missed appointment slot.
As a courtesy to you, and to help patients remember their scheduled appointments, Lumen’s scheduling system will send you a reminder email 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. You also have the option to sign up for text message reminders as well. If you would like that option, please notify the front desk.
If your schedule changes and you cannot keep your appointment, please contact phone or email so I may reschedule you and accommodate those patients who are waiting for an appointment.
If you cancel late or no-show:
A late cancellation is when you fail to give a 24 hours notice of an appointment cancelation/reschedule. A “no-show” is when you do not show up for a scheduled appointment and do not contact us in any way prior to the appointment.
First time: This one's a freebie. We know stuff comes up. We'll make sure that you're aware of our policy around cancelling last minute, and get you rescheduled.
Second time: We will bill your card on file or otherwise collect a $50 late cancellation fee. THIS IS NOT BILLABLE TO INSURANCE.
Third time: We will bill your card on file or otherwise collect a $50 late cancellation fee. THIS IS NOT BILLABLE TO INSURANCE. We will also disallow any further scheduling without paying the full cash rate for the appointment up front.
If there are further violations of our policy, we will unfortunately have to end our therapeutic relationship with you and prevent you from scheduling further. While this may seem a severe response, it is the fairest for our patient and practitioner community. In some instances with chronic cancelling due to medical or other significant issues, we may allow you to call for same-day appointments and to fill last minute cancellations.
Important Notes:
You cannot reschedule until you have paid the fees described above.
This charge is not reimbursable by your insurance company and you will be billed directly to your card on file.
Acceptable reasons for waiving of the lat/no-show fee:
During the COVID-19 pandemic it is in everyone's best interest that you stay home and take care of yourself if you are sick. You WILL NOT be charged a cancellation/no show fee for cancelling with less that 24 hours notice if you have any of the following symptoms that are not associated with a pre-existing chronic condition like asthma:
Dry or painful cough
Shortness of breath
Nausea or vomiting
Loss of taste or smell within the last 2 weeks with no other known cause
Severe diarrhea not attributable to recent food choices
You will not be charged a cancellation fee if you have had direct exposure to someone who has tested COVID-19 positive. We encourage you to cancel any upcoming appointments until you have been tested.
Other significant emergencies. We understand that emergencies of a non-medical nature come up. Please call our office as soon as possible if you feel you cannot make your appointment due to some other reason. Particularly if it is not a repeated instance, we are willing to work with you on a case-by-case basis.