Experience a world of wonder, where wellness and Light come together
Relax your nervous system and return to a new sense of You.
Welcome to your inner light
What is Lucia Nº 03 Light Therapy?
Lucia is a flickering light therapy that deeply relaxes and resets your nervous system.
Experience a new sense of deep relaxation and peace. Unwind and let go.
Redefine what relaxation means to You.
Lucia N° 03 Light Therapy is a flickering light therapy system that helps to calm the nervous system, allowing for a more balanced and relaxed state within the body.
It uses warm, wide-spectrum halogen light plus LED flashing at various frequencies to relax and dilate the central nervous system. This stroboscopic therapy helps shift the brain from beta-dominance to alpha-theta, finding a more harmonic balance.
Lower stress, increase creativity, ease into flow states and embrace a feeling of wonder and awe.
Inducing a hypnogogic state (the liminal realm between wake and sleep), the Lucia Nº 03 gently helps to reset the nervous system, lowering stress during intense periods, to allow for peak experiences of inspiration, creativity and compassion.
Inhabit your body, experience your Self

Explore a Meditative Space
The wide-spectrum solid and flickering light enters the body through the closed eyes, travels along your optic nerve and into the brain (where the pineal gland and thalamus are located). As your cells communicate through impulses of light within the fascia, the light spreads throughout your body.
Waves of light travel through the fascia, and the brain entrains to the pulsing rhythm of the light. As you move deeper into the experience, neural networks and chemicals are activated, your body deeply relaxes and your unconscious world comes to life.
As the visual scape opens, worlds and experiences start to flash before your eyes revealing your inner light. Thoughts fade away as you follow your breath and the music through the unfolding colors, patterns, shapes, journeys, memories and/or lucid dreamscapes. The Lucia N°03 is a tool for accessing deep states of awareness, making it easier to return to similar states on your own.

Discover the many benefits:
Lucia Light Therapy

How does this work?
You are Light
As humans, all of our cells communicate through light and are receptive to the various frequencies and fluctuations of Light. The Lucia N°03 uses wide spectrum solid light plus LED flashing/flickering at various frequencies to down-regulate and optimize your central nervous system.
Your brain waves shift from a waking Beta-dominant state to Alpha-Theta wavelengths. Alpha state is sign of mind and body relaxation. Theta wavelengths are a space of creativity, insight, and deep meditation. Under the Light, your body is allowing for more balance, harmony and coherence.
Light therapy lowers stress, increases creativity and imagination, and supports a more adaptive state as we venture through our day. Embrace a new found sense of flow, enjoy the wonder, and relish in the peaceful moments.
Your journey is unique
Each session with the Lucia N°03 is a unique journey within. Each participant has a slightly different experience than another. You will experience colors, shapes and patterns that dance behind your closed eyelids; a kaleidoscope of light unfolds. Alongside this beautiful visual journey, the body begins to let go and deeply relax.
Visionary journeys, healing memories and deeper insights can emerge. The brain waves synchronize with the flickering light, creating coherence and ultimately finding its own harmony. The Lucia N° 03 grows with you: from resetting the nervous system and lowering the baseline levels of stress during intense periods, to opening the space for peak experiences, to inspiring creativity and compassion and even accessing flow states more regularly. It is a tool to explore your inner world.
Live your Dream
Hypnogogia is a deep meditative state that occurs just before falling asleep. It is a powerful experience of deep relaxation, a realm of cosmic journeying, lucid dreaming, creative visioning, manifestation and more.
Allow your nervous system to let go. Breathe and invite clarity, creativity and compassion. Notice how your Heart softens and becomes more receptive to your everyday experiences. Settle into your own power of potential and creativity. Explore hypnagogia, the magical realm between wakefulness and sleep. Live the dream and open your heart.
What to Expect
I invite you to arrive hydrated and well rested for your Lucia N° 03 experience.
Please refrain from drinking caffeine for at least a 4-5 hours before a light session. Come sober to your Light session as well. The light is a powerful tool in itself and it’s not necessary to “enhance” it in any way.
The Lucia N°03 reminds us that there is a deep space within us that we can access at any point without taking any type of external substance.
Come as you are — and breathe.
Sit quietly, breathe, begin to listen to your Heart. What does it need? What does it desire? What will allow it to further soften or open with more ease?
An intention could be: releasing fear, allowing more trust, moving on from a place of feeling stuck and stagnation, resolving a troubled relationship, or living more fully from your Heart.
Let go of any expectations for your session. Firstly, Lucia Nº 03 is not an entheogen (mind altering substance). The work is gentle and subtle. Your body and nervous system is not forced into any state of mind. This is your own work and your own meditative practice.
For some, the first experience in the light is life-changing, for others, it may take a series of experiences to drop into deeper states.
As you enter a comfortable and meditative space, the light experience will begin. The selected light program will best support your needs for the day and the headphones with selected music will allow you to enter your own world within the light. (You can also bring your own music if you choose.)
With eyes closed, your body begins to absorb the light. The warm glow of the central halogen bulb resembles the daylight of our sun, gently allowing the body to unwind and let go. The LED flickering lights will begin to flash on and off, in various rhythmic patterns and intensities.
In your mind’s eye and through your retinas and optic nerves, the lights will illuminate the quadrants of your brain. Visual patterns and colors may emerge, synesthesia (hearing sounds as colors or shapes) is also common. As with any practice, try not to analyze or attach to any one thought or image - observe and open yourself to the experience.
Allow yourself to drift into a hypnogogic dream state, let your nervous system relax and unwind. Enjoy.

Visionary Exploration
The Lucia N°03 Light System is the highest quality and most advanced light therapy tool in the world.
It was researched and designed in the Austrian Alps by clinical psychologists and neurologist Dr. Englebert Winkler and Dr. Dirk Proeckl. Their work has focussed on better understanding states of hypnogogia, NDE’s (near death experiences), and the beneficial outcomes of flickering light therapy - affecting both our psychology and physiology.
With medical-grade engineering and small-batch assembly, the Lucia N°03 offers an unmatched performance and quality you can't find anywhere else.
If you would like to read a few research articles relating to the Lucia Nº 03 Light System, please click HERE
Research with ALZHEIMER’S
40 Hertz, Flashing Light Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease: READ MORE HERE

Allison Pelissier, with Traveling Light Machine, shares an introduction on the Lucia Light and its applications.