Classical Chinese Medicine
Your space to unwind and heal. Utilizing a classical approach of working with my patients, I allow the body to guide the treatment. I incorporate many useful modalities and styles. I create an integrated and balanced treatment, unique every time.
Comprehensive medicine: amazing results
There are many different styles of acupuncture. At Lumen, I practice a traditional Chinese style as well as gentle Japanese techniques. I have even studied non-needle techniques as well that are great for pediatrics.
For those that don’t know, traditional acupuncture uses solid needles which are shallowly inserted into acupuncture points on the skin. The needles are sterile, only used once, and then go into medical waste. The gauge of the needle is about the size of a cat’s whisker
Stimulating these points can help correct imbalances in the flow of qi through the meridians of the body. Activating and directing the qi stimulates the recuperative powers of the body and enhances the body’s innate ability to return to balance.
Engaging Vitality: Osteopathic approach to Acupuncture
This is a synthesis of traditional East Asian medicine and Western osteopathic palpation techniques. The aim of treatment is to address restrictions to healthy physiological motion within the body as well as supporting restoration of flexibility within the nervous system. The treatments are very subtle, gentle and profound.
This specialized approach allows me to provide treatments uniquely tailored to each patient in order to support their body’s innate intelligence, leading to a more clinically effective engagement overall.
This is an approach to acupuncture treatments that I utilize with all my patients. It helps me better listen to the body and discover the core areas that need attention that day.
Read more about Engaging Vitality - HERE.
What to expect:
An acupuncture treatment begins the moment you walk in the door. I greet you and we head into the treatment room.
If it’s your first visit, we’ll do a full medical intake - chatting about any and all of your health concerns.
From here, I will come up with a treatment plan. Your treatment for the day could include some bodywork, cupping, or other gentle techniques to help integrate the work.
Based on your pulse, tongue, and abdominal palpation, I choose your acupuncture points to support your primary constitution as well as your primary health concerns.
You can lay with your needles for 15 - 40 minutes, depending on your needs.
After your refreshing “acu-nap” you are grounded, centered, and ready to go about the rest of your day.
Chinese Herbalism
An opportunity to deepen your healing journey. Customized herbal formulas are prescribed based on a synthesis of your presentation and your own health goals. Based on classical formulations, these prescriptions work deep within the body to mend and heal at the root of the problem.
Synergistic Therapeutic Modalities:
Chinese herbs are safe and effective ways to improve one’s health over the long term. It is a slow medicine and it can take time, but in the end - it is well worth the wait.
The use of Chinese herbal medicine can help us get to the deepest root of our illness. Lumen stocks a medicinary of the highest quality herbs we can attain. We confidently use these herbs to make formulas specific to each of our patients.
An effective formula is put together according to the principles of classical combining. The formulas we put together are rooted in the classical literature of Chinese Medicine and are often modified to work specifically with the body’s complex presentation.
Herbs can be great for treating acute health concerns - such as colds and flus, or treating more chronic issues. For deeper seated health issues, herbs can be taken for a period of several months to get to the root of the problem. The formula is changed weekly or monthly depending on how the body responds.
Lumen has a complete granule pharmacy of herbs. Granules are a powdered form of herbs that are mixed with boiling water and taken in tea form.
Lumen carries the highest quality and grade of herbs available on the market.
To learn more about the quality of herbs we use, check out Legendary Herbs, owned and operated by Eric and Charlie Brand, in Boulder, Colorado.
Legendary Herbs is committed to the highest quality and potency of their granule herbs, directly sourced from the premier producers in China.
Cupping Therapy
Release. Relax the tension, unwind the fascia, move the lymph, restore healthy blood flow. Great for new and old injuries, stress, headaches, dermatology, low back, hips, sciatica, and so much more.
Cupping is invigorating
Cupping increases local circulation of blood, fluids and qi within the superficial and deeper levels of the muscles.
It uses gentle, controlled suction from glass cups that are adhered to the body and left for 5- 15 minutes.
The gentle pressure from the suction opens up our fascia and muscles, helps drain our lymphatic system, breaks up adhesions or scar tissue, moves stagnant fluids and inflammatory heat in the area and promotes deep relaxation.
If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend you schedule a session soon. It is a great way to rest, relax and unwind.
Warming, restorative, gentle and very soothing. Used in conjunction with acupuncture treatments, moxa is useful for many aspects of our health. Ask more about it at your next appointment.
Artemesia Vulgaris
Simple, ancient medicine
Moxibustion is the use of the finely ground herb mugwort, or artemesia vulgaris. Moxa may be administered as a part of your acupuncture treatment.
It is beneficial in warming areas that have trapped cold. It is useful for building up qi and blood for a depleted patient. It is also great for clearing pain traveling along an acupuncture channel.
There are many styles of moxibustion. All involve burning the herb to send deep warmth into the needle or the acupuncture points or the meridian. Moxa may be administered on the needle, on a slice of ginger, with cones of mugwort or stick moxa. One of my favorite styles is to place the moxa on a small pile of salt, over the umbilicus - gently warming the middle burner and leaving us feeling calm and centered.
All styles feel deeply warming and pleasant and strengthen your healing process.
Qi Gong and Breathwork
Take your inner work to the next level by fully inhabiting your body. Through breath, movement and presence, qi gong and breathwork help us move and clear stagnant qi and emotions in the body.
Free yourself from such burdens and inhabit your Self again.
Inhabit your True Nature
At Lumen, I will often incorporate guided meditations for my patients, while they lay on the table. This can help a person ground, calm and remain present within their body for the treatment — whether it be acupuncture or a light session.
Breathing is our birthright. It is our first grasp for life as we enter this world and it is one of the best tools to regain that life when we have lost our way. I teach my patients very simple breathing techniques they can continue to practice at home. I also offer resources for them to go deeper with this practice.
Breathing helps relax the nervous system. It helps us feel whole again. Utilizing simple work such as guided somatic experiencing, patients are able to fully explore what ails them. They become their own medicine in how re-define their own relationship with self and past pains or traumas.
Sitting with sensations, feelings, or emotions can be a challenging practice in its own right. Through this gentle form of somatic inquiry, we can begin to better integrate all aspects of Self and sit within our Light again.